Mediation & Conflict Management



36degrees helps resolve deadlocked conflicts in a constructive, sustainable and acceptable manner for all parties involved, to grow from them and to develop strategies for future cooperation.


Mediation is understood as a voluntary process of conflict resolution. Trained mediators act as neutral third parties and support the parties involved in the conflict in resolving their dispute amicably. They are equally committed to all parties, are independent of their interests and ensure that the mediation process is fair, transparent and efficient. The parties decide for themselves about their options and the results.

Your benefits

Low costs

Compared to court proceedings, mediation is an extremely cost-effective option for conflict resolution.

Win - Win Situation

Since the parties in conflict are obliged to work out a mutually agreed solution, this inevitably leads to win-win situations.

acceptance of the solution

The autonomy of the parties in developing solutions and the consideration of their respective particular interests leads to a high level of acceptance of the measures.

intact relationships

Since in the course of mediation the situation of the alleged opponent is empathetically viewed and a solution is worked on together in the process, the relationship is usually strengthened, or at least de-dramatized.


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