36degrees was founded in 2018 as a network of management consultants, coaches, mediators and trainers.
Today, with a pool of more than 250 experts and partners, 36degrees offers extensive expertise in the areas of change and transformation management, strategy and innovation management, project planning and implementation, mediation, coaching and facilitation.
36degrees' home base is in the heart of Europe, in Vienna. Our customers and projects have taken us to more than 25 countries in recent years. Perhaps that is why we see ourselves as a truly European company.
We are 36degrees.
36 degrees – the temperature of a healthy person.
This is how we recommend approaching change projects: neither overheated nor undercooled.
Keep a cool head instead of a feverish frenzy!
At 36degrees we are cautious in the design of solutions but courageous and passionate in their implementation. We also expect a certain aesthetic quality in our work. Because "Beauty completes the work", as the poet so beautifully puts it.
Doing instead of asking!
We believe in the fundamental adaptability and willingness of living systems and focus our daily work on unleashing this inherent competence. In doing so, we encourage activity, agility, doing and trying.
Freshly cooked instead of the same old thing!
Each of our clients faces individual challenges, has a unique past and (ultimately) pursues very personal goals.
We are therefore convinced that standard recipes are insufficient and that each case requires tailor-made advice based on strong analytical skills, sound systemic and technical knowledge and a clear attitude in order to enable “natural” growth.
Honest instead of kind!
With years of experience as managers, consultants and experts, we support our clients in developing viable strategies, supporting extensive change situations and planning and implementing complex and difficult projects. We are not always adaptable and friendly, but we are always brutally honest, pragmatic and committed to the cause.
Values instead of words
We are driven by our belief in the opportunity for a socially just future of business and the need and right to humane leadership and organization. This is what we are working towards.
We look forward to getting to know you.
As an economic organization, as a multiplier and also as an active part of civil society, we see ourselves as committed to the sustainable development of our society.
We have therefore selected four of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals that are particularly relevant to us and are initiating or engaging in projects that pursue these goals.
Below we present our initiatives and our approaches.
Goal No. 5 - Gender Equality
For us, gender equality does not end with men and women, but it should start here and actually no longer be an issue.
We are not socio-politically active, but we want to set a good example in our manageable environment.
We are aware of the reality-creating function of language and therefore use gender as a matter of course, but not dogmatically.
We have developed services (training for female leadership, intercultural cooperation, diversity in organisations and teams, etc.) that highlight this complex of issues.
We organise our day-to-day work carefully by ensuring a gender-balanced distribution in our project teams, steering committees and steering groups wherever possible and within our sphere of influence.
We would very much like to get involved in the area of youth work in the future to help motivate girls and young women to make their career choices without gender-specific pre-selection. Unfortunately, we have not yet found the right project for this (but we are happy to receive suggestions).
We recently started supporting the association ‘Pink Stinks’ (www.pinkstinks.de), an educational and protest organisation against sexism, homophobia and stereotypical role models (e.g. in advertising, especially for children's products).
Goal No. 4 - quality education
We want to make a contribution so that education remains a little less of a "genetic asset" and is available to everyone, regardless of gender, family income or ethnic origin. We believe that education should not only include "training" but should be viewed more holistically in order to be prepared for the challenges of the future as a pluralistic, diverse society.
We therefore repeatedly support low-threshold, regional campaigns with what we can: Pro bono counselling (e.g. as a companion to a school start-up), financial support, donations in kind of e.g. notebooks, tablets and the like for families with limited financial means, etc.
Andreas Hieger, the founder of 36degrees, is also a board member of ‘Big Brothers - Big Sisters’. As the world's largest mentoring network, the NGO supports young people on their path to a self-determined and successful future.
We would love to get involved in youth work in the future to help motivate girls and young women to choose a career without gender bias. Unfortunately, we have not yet found the right project for this (but we are happy to receive suggestions).
Goal No. 8 - decent work and economic growth
It has been proven that diversification leads to higher economic productivity, greater resilience and greater innovation.
We therefore support the Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce's mentoring programme for migrants (https://www.wko.at/site/Mentoring/mentoring.html).
The aim of the programme is to support the labour market integration and (or) business start-up of qualified persons with a migration background and at the same time to promote the internationalisation of Austrian companies.
In the last 10 years, more than 2,000 qualified people with a migration and refugee background have been prepared for the demands of our economic life in personalised coaching sessions.
Goal No. 13 - Climate Action
We want to make an active contribution to climate protection. This includes fundamentally trying to save CO2. We do this by avoiding unnecessary business trips and instead relying on telephone and video conferences. We see ourselves as a digital, paperless company and only print out documents in exceptional cases or use service providers who also work in a CO2-neutral manner. We cover our energy needs from renewable energy wherever possible.
We offset our unavoidable CO2 emissions, in particular flights and business trips by car and, if necessary, events, via the platform www.climateaustria.at, which supports high-quality Austrian and international climate protection projects, mainly in the areas of renewable energies, energy efficiency and energy source switching.
A first, non-binding meeting or a sparring session on possible approaches? Take the first step.