Ready for the new normal?

"The times, they are a changin..."

"The speed and sustainability with which Covid turned the world of work upside down made all New Work coaches, digitalization officers and organizational developers green with envy."

First steps

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Is your sales organization "ready for the new normal"?

We have long since become accustomed to working from home at the kitchen table, video conferences in sweatpants and children crashing presentations.

Virtual trade fairs, product presentations via Zoom or MS Teams, sales without face-to-face meetings and negotiations in video conferences still cause worry lines on the foreheads of troubled sales staff.

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Culture & Motivation

Strategy & Planning

Processes & Tools

team and organizational development

It all starts with listening,

That's why we are starting, together with our partner "Great Sales Force", with a scientifically structured survey of sales employees (and possibly other relevant departments such as office staff, marketing, service technicians, etc.) on their opinions on 13 defined productivity drivers.

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