Barbara Langer

Stomach. Barbara Langer

Business Coach | Project & Process Manager


Tel.: 43 5 036 01

Working languages: German (native speaker) / English

work focuses



  • Project management to create clear structures and goal-oriented team leadership


  • Process management: Creating more defined processes from procedures


Coaching & Training 


  • Project coaching as a sparring partner for managers and teams from the successful start to the successful completion as well as setting up a PMO (Project Management Office) as a central contact point


  • Process coaching as methodological-technical support in the development and emotional support in the change process (confidence and energy when the patterns change)


  • Accompanying team dynamics as a development opportunity and for sustainable change and strengthening of the corporate culture


"It is not enough to know, one must also apply; it is not enough to want, one must also do!" from Wilhelm Meister's Journeyman Years, JW v. Goethe

professional experience

  • Entrepreneur and Senior Consultant
  • •Senior Project Manager (agile & classic)
  • •Senior Process Manager & Coach
  • Business & Career Coaching in the Executive & Senior Executive Segment
  • Trainer for project & process management, innovation, communication, leadership, sales techniques 


Mag. rer.soc.oec in Business Information TechnologySPzM - Senior Process Manager zPM - Project Manager Level C/ IPMA Diversity & Gender Mainstream Certificate Dipl. Business Coach & Business Trainer
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