We help to help

We need to talk!

What nurses endure every day and what we need to change.

Tools, prevention and new joy in work.

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The alarming diagnosis.

Systematic overload in the nursing sector. Violence, burnout and anxiety.

It is probably no great surprise that nursing and medical staff in healthcare facilities have to contend with challenging working conditions and tend to be overworked. However, an independent, representative study by Natali and Alexandra Gferer now shows that the extent of the stress is much more serious than generally assumed.


While working conditions were already difficult before the pandemic, a remarkable 86% of respondents say that their work situation has deteriorated significantly to very significantly since March 2020.


Consequently, 64% of those surveyed have already thought about leaving the nursing profession. At 45%, almost every second nurse regularly considers changing jobs.

The good news: We are not powerless!

Many of the reasons for dissatisfaction, overload and considerations of changing careers have nothing to do with low pay or notorious understaffing (although these two aspects are among the top three) but can be addressed through targeted organisational and team development measures.

Experts help to help!

We have put together a team of experts, occupational psychologists, coaches, trainers and consultants to be best prepared for the challenges.

Our experts have a broad portfolio of organizational and team development tools:

  • Reverse Coaching & Mentoring
  • Training
  • Coaching and Personal Development
  • team and organizational development
  • Moderation & Facilitation
  • Design of Change Architectures
  • heart rate variability measurement (HRV)


We cover topics such as:

  • Burnout Prävention
  • compatibility of work and family
  • Update of leadership tools and dealing with people 2.0
  • Experiencing Diversity Positively
  • Dealing with Change and Uncertainty
  • Female Leadership
  • Career Planning for Women
  • conflict management
  • Agile Leadership and Leadership Tools
  • joy in work
  • New world of work

Reduces sick days

strong employee loyalty

effective burnout prevention

improved employer branding

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